Competence Center

Promoting advanced knowledge, common standards, and practical tools for the sustainable production and consumption of leather and biomaterials

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Competence Center

Promoting advanced knowledge, common standards, and practical tools for the sustainable production and consumption of leather and biomaterials

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Competence Center

Promoting advanced knowledge, common standards, and practical tools for the sustainable production and consumption of leather and biomaterials

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Biomat is


A collaborative hub that will support and harmonize the understanding of biomaterials sustainability from cradle to grave.


An international initiative bringing together a broad spectrum of stakeholders from the industry, academia, NGOs.


A champion of the widespread diffusion of science-based knowledge and data around biomaterials sustainability.

Our Vision & Mission

Biomaterials can be defined as all natural plant- or animal-based fibres and innovative biofabricated products, which can find several applications in the fashion, luxury, automotive, and furniture industry.

As underlined by the Leather Manifesto call to COP26 Forum, such fibres can be part of the solution towards a carbon neutral future when sustainably and ethically produced and used.

However, due to a lack of consensus and harmonization around the environmental impacts of animal farming and related methodologies, such contribution is often disregarded.

Through a collaborative approach, BIOMAT centre replies to this call by supporting the sector in the development of science-based knowledge, consensus, and awareness around biomaterials sustainability.

Ultimately, the mission of BIOMAT will be to make biomaterials production and consumption more sustainable for the environment, the future of this sector, and the people who produce and use it.

Biomat will...


Create a shared understanding of the environmental impacts and benefits of biomaterials manufacturing,


Support harmonisation of key aspects and assessment criteria by building consensus.


Develop innovative tools for the environmental impact reduction of farming and biomaterials manufacturing


Support scientific publications and raise awareness of stakeholders and the larger public.


We want to engage a large and diverse group of stakeholders, from the agriculture and biomass sector to tanners and manufacturers, from luxury and automotive brands to universities and environmental organizations. If you want to join us, please contact us.

Current promoters of BIOMAT are

SPIN360 s.r.l.

Italian consultancy excellence on leather sustainability assessment.

JBS Couros

Market leader of leather manufacturing.

Contact us